a key fob

Technological advancements in automobiles have opened the doorways for criminal groups and thieves to explore innovative ways to use technology for theft. In 2018 alone, 228.9 per every 100,000 individuals got their motor vehicles stolen, the total loss of which cost around $6 billion. A year earlier, 772,943 cars were stolen in the USA.

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a person holding car keys

Getting out of your car and realizing that you left your keys inside is one of the worst situations to be in.

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A car lock that needs work from a locksmith

Locking yourself out of your car or losing your keys is always a major inconvenience, especially when you’re in a rush to be somewhere important. You can try to fix the problem yourself, but without the expertise, it’s likely that instead of fixing the situation, you might just make it worse.

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As the automotive sector is more advanced now, companies are focusing on promoting security through programmed keys.

The Porsche Auto 911

Porsche is expected to dominate the international car market in 2020! If you’re planning on getting behind the wheel anytime soon, you should know how to deal with lock and key failures that common to Porsche models. This blog might help you do so:

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Mercedes key fob

The Mercedes Benz is a sweet ride, and an expensive one. When you invest in such a pricey vehicle, make sure you take good care of it. Unfortunately, one of the trickiest Mercedes parts to protect and repair is the key fob! The job could cost you as much as $500, and only professionals can handle it.

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Over the last few years, car key security systems have gone through a tremendous transformation. What once used to be simple mechanical keys have now evolved into sophisticated keyless systems. Companies like BMW have heavily invested in security technology to ensure the integrity of these systems. In this post, we will discuss BMW key fobs in detail.

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Ignition keys of a car

In 2014, General Motors made headlines for a minor ignition problem that led to the recall of over 1.6 GM vehicles. This came as a massive setback to the company, and it struggled to find its footing for years after. This is a classic example of how ignition problems are not to be taken lightly.

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Car theft is pretty common throughout Texas. The state rans high with respect to the instances of car thefts throughout the entire country. Houston alone averages at about 24,481 stolen cars per year. Despite efforts from law enforcement agencies, there’s little impact on the number of thefts—requiring people to take proactive measures to protect their automobiles.

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Perhaps the simplest way to prevent your car from being stolen or vandalized is to park it in your garage:

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